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Our Class Teacher is Miss Hawkridge

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Spencer and Miss Smith


Our Learning Journey Overview for the Year.


New Parents Meeting

If you were unable to attend the new parents information evening you can find all the information on the powerpoint below. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. 

phonics website 1

In Reception phonic recall is developed in many different ways, children explore their learning through games and activities.

Phonics in Reception

Synthetic Phonics is  a method of teaching reading and writing in which words are broken down into their smallest units of sound, these are known as phonemes. 

Children learn to associate writen letters or groups of letters with a given sound, these we call graphemes. 

Sounds are then joined or ‘blended’ together into words for reading or, conversely, whole words are broken down or ‘segmented’ into their sounds for writing. 

Children in Reception will learn their sounds in the order outlined below. Level 1 is all about developing listening skills and continues to run alongside all sounds as they are taught.

phonics website 2

We ensure our learning is multi-sensory and engaging for all learners, writing need not happen just on paper!

At Mayfield Primary School we follow the Twinkl phonics scheme, The order of sounds is outlined below:

Phonics in Reception

In Term 1 we hosted a phonics meeting for parents, please find below the powerpoint which you may find useful. If you have any questions about phonics please don't hesitate to ask!

Term 1

It's our first term at 'Big School' we're all very excited! 

Term 1

We've been having an amazing first term as Robins! 

Look at our fabulous Robin paintings!

We have been exploring our feelings and the feelings of others through the story of The Colour Monster! 


We explored mixing different colours to make Colour Monster potions, we sorted colours into jars and we painted our own Colour Monsters! 

Look at our fantastic Colour Monsters!


We have also been learning about Autumn. We went on a walk around our local area to look for signs of the season! 


Term 2:

This Term we are learning about celebrations! 


We started the term by learning about All Souls Day which is celebrated as Day of The Dead in Mexico. 

We also learnt about Remembrance Day and made our own Poppy wreath to remember those brave people who lost their lives in the wars. 

This term we've also been looking at change over time and looking at how our local area has developed. We went on a walk around the village and used old photographs to compare life in our village today with life in the past. 


This term our topic is all about getting outdoors! We'll be exploring different stories set in woodland settings and learning about our local wildlife and how we can look after it.

Lets get outside T3

We went on a bear hunt! We checked all over Court Meadow for signs of bears, then we thought we heard one coming so we hurried back to school as quickly as we could! We're not going on a bear hunt again!

We learnt the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' off by heart using Makaton signs and we created our own maps of the story!


This Term we also took part in the RSPB's Big School's Birdwatch! We went out and looked for different birds. We also talked about how important it is to look after our birds so we made them some birdseed cakes to help them get through the winter.

We explored the story The Girl with the Bird's Nest Hair and painted our favourite birds!


We set up our own bird watching area outside! 



This Term we are exploring where our food comes from and how plants grow! We'll also be celebrating Mother's Day and International Women's Day as well as dressing up for Book Day! 

Down on the farm

We celebrated Easter with a traditional Easter Bonnet Parade! Don't we all look amazing!


We learnt about the season of Spring and went on a walk to find signs of the season. We collected fallen flowers and sticks to make our own Easter garden.


Term 5

This term we're exploring colours around us! We can all be artists! 

Colour My World

Term 6

This term we're exploring our interest in animals and learning about the different animals all around the world and how they are adapted to where they live.

Around the world 2024

We went on a school trip to the zoo! We saw lots of different animals and even had the chance to touch some! It was such a brilliant day!

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