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Art and Design

Our Curriculum Intent

At Mayfield Primary School, we know that in our ever-changing world creativity is key to our children going on to achieve in roles that are yet to exist. We believe that Art and Design is a vital tool in enabling our children to develop creativity and imagination and through visual, tactile and sensory experiences. Through art, we enable our children to explore our world in new and unique ways and empower them to be visually literate and able to confidently express their ideas and opinions. Through thoughtfully planned lessons, linked to each class’ termly theme, we will develop children’s powers of observation, encouraging them to look closely and notice detail. We also look at the work of artists and enable our children to develop aesthetic sensibilities to make judgements about Art, encouraging them to be able to respond knowledgeably to the work of other artists and craftspeople, knowing that there are different kinds of art made for different purposes.

Through studying the work of artists from a diverse range of backgrounds we also encourage children to broaden their understanding of the world around them and to reflect upon how and why others may see things differently, linking closely to our Christian Values and the British Values of mutual respect, tolerance and individual liberty. In addition to this, we support children to acquire a range of different skills using a range of media as the children progress through the school.

We want our children to be ambitious and to consider the possibility of becoming illustrators, graphic designers, fashion designers, curators, architects or printmakers. Our Art curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge all pupils, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be able to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they should gain a deeper understanding of how Art and Design reflects and shapes our history, and how it contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our world. We want to equip our children with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the Art and Design National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We want our children to use the local area as inspiration, to learn from other cultures and to respect diversity.



At Mayfield Primary School, our long term plan for art and design ensures that there are meaningful links to the topic that each class is focussing on. Teachers follow a clear progression of knowledge and skills which ensures all pupils build on their prior knowledge, are challenged in line with their year group expectations and are ready for the next stage of their education. Every child is given the opportunity to learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, sculpture and digital art through the exploration of an initial key artist, craft maker or designer and their work. Through in-depth discussion, pupils develop their own creative ideas, responding to the work of famous artists as well as the creations of their peers. They evaluate their work, adapt it and take their ideas further. 

From Years 1-6 each child has a sketchbook that they take ownership of in order to foster their sense of creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develop skills, record ideas and develop opinions. Cross-curricular links are promoted to allow all children to deepen their understanding across the curriculum, including the use of technology and artworks from specific historical, geographical and scientific contexts. Opportunities for children to visit local art galleries and museums are planned for, as well as visits from local artists.There are regular opportunities for pupils to self and peer assess and teachers offer regular feedback on their work.  Teachers track pupils’ progress using Insight Tracker and make assessments at the end of Term 3 and Term 6.Effective CPD and standardisation opportunities are available to staff to ensure high levels of confidence and subject knowledge are maintained.


The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills. Children will therefore be expected to leave our school having reached at least age-related expectations for Art and Design. Our Art and Design curriculum is also designed to inspire a new generation of creative and innovative artists. We ensure that children who are achieving well, as well as those who need additional support, are identified, and additional provision and strategies are planned in and discussed with class teachers. Achievements are celebrated in classrooms during walking-galleries and corridor displays, and by building in increasing connections with local galleries, we aim to develop our future artists and their appreciation of the art around them.

We will regularly review and evaluate our Art and Design curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of all the children in our school.


Art in Early Years is developed through the area of Expressive Arts and Design. The children explore creating in a range of ways, both modelled and through self-exploration during child initiated time. Art opportunities are planned alongside learning journeys to encourage children to make meaningful links but children are also encouraged to persue their own ideas and projects in a range of creative ways. Art is a process and not about completed pieces, children explore mark-making and the potential of different materials and techniques to make their own meaning and express themselves. 

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