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Celebrating Gold Award - 2022/2023 - Well done Mayfield CE Primary!



Children should...

  • Experience a broad range of activities through PE curriculum time, including gymnastics, dance, games, outdoor education, athletics and swimming (KS2)
  •  Know how to stay fit, healthy, and active and enhoy doing so, choosing to engage in physical activity and sport in their own time
  •  Learn to win and lose, support others and be supported, showing sportsmanship and good character
  •  Work as part of a team towards a common goal as well as individually improving their performance
  •  Be allowed to be creative in a range of activities
  •  Play competitively, respecting officials and other players
  •  Develop spiritually, morally and culturally through diverse activities and opportunities

Quality physical education can develop the whole child:

  • Strengthening thinking and decision-making skills
  • Building and increasing confidence and self esteem
  •  Developing character and resilience 
  •  Enhancing their commitment and desire to improve
  •  Allowing opportunities for enjoyment, fun and free spiritedness
  •  Fostering feelings of safety and security

At Mayfield CEP we have strong links with community clubs and raise the standards of our PE through competitions in a range of sports at different levels:

  • Level 1 – Intra School – House competitions. All children take part in a sporting competition within the school. An example of this is Sports Day.
  • Level 2 – Inter School – A range of competitions represented by our school working with the Heathfield Cluster and competing against other Primary schools in the local area. Teams can progress through to the following round; The North Wealden Finals.
  • Level 3 – School Games Festivals/County Finals – This is the next round of the Inter School competitions, where winning teams go through to represent the North Wealden Area against other areas of the South East.


School Games base themselves on the following 6 core values, where our children are encouraged to follow these in everything they do:

Values PE


Sporting successes at Mayfield

On Monday 15th April, 6 children went to a County Final Hockey tournament at East Grinstead Hockey Club. The weather was great, but a little breezy!

The pitches were much bigger than the first round. We managed to play brilliantly. Winning 5 games, drawing 2 and only losing 3.

Overall, we came 5th out of 11 teams!

A big thank you to Mrs Tigg for all of her training and to our parents for transporting us.

On Wednesday 28th February, 16 children participated in a Netball tournament at Heathfield Community College. It was a tough afternoon, but we did our best. We played eleven games altogether. The B team played 4 games, where they only lost one game.

The A team played 7 games, winning many of them and only losing 2.

Both teams played amazingly well! The B team came 1st in their league and the A team come 3rd in their league.

We would all like to say a big thank you to our coaches, Mrs Tigg and Harry who both helped us achieve these amazing results.


At Mayfield CE Primary School we believe that children are entitled to a rich, broad and balanced PE curriculum. Through PE, children develop responsible behaviour and attitudes that will benefit them throughout school life and beyond. Children will experience a wide range of activities, learn how to and enjoy staying fit, healthy and active and develop spiritually, morally and culturally through diverse opportunities. At our school the children will partake in competitive activities where they develop their sportsmanship skills, respect and compassion for others in-line with our core values. Through high quality Physical Education, children will develop and strengthen their thinking, decision making and perseverance skills, build and increase their confidence and self-esteem and thrive through opportunities for enjoyment.

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At Mayfield CE Primary School, pupils are taught the National Curriculum, which is shaped by our whole school vision. The children’s skills and knowledge are built on through the PE long term plan, which is carefully sequenced to enable all children to achieve the most from their learning. Following on from this we assess the children twice a year to highlight strengths and weaknesses, and how to support individual children to progress with their Physical Education. Through our assessment process we are able to adapt every PE lesson to ensure most pupils will meet the appropriate end of Key Stage objectives.

In EYFS and Key Stage One, the children focus on skills building activities. As the children move on to Key Stage Two, these skills are applied to specific sports, including swimming over three terms, and some in-class competitive activities. All lessons are enjoyable with an element of challenge for all pupils, all stages of physical development. We teach all children to develop responsible behaviours and attitudes, respect and compassion for others, decision making and perseverance skills, all of which are needed in every aspect of PE, school life and beyond. Throughout OAA units children will be developing their knowledge on map reading. Within our PE lessons there is a range of cross curricular activities which covers elements of Maths, English, vocabulary and creativity.

The children participate in two high quality Physical Education lessons each week, are invited to a number of different after school clubs, have the chance to represent the school in competitive based activities (Key Stage Two) and partake in at least two in-school competitions. Mayfield CE Primary School works closely with a secondary school link teacher (Uplands Community College) who enables an ambitious curriculum through supporting staff CPD. We have use of the local Girls’ Secondary School facilities for after school clubs, as well as their staff supporting the coaching of the children. We also run after school clubs with local community clubs, and take part in the annual Maypole Dancing at the Mayfair.


The implementation of this curriculum ensures that when children leave Mayfield CE Primary they have the knowledge to take responsibility for their own health and fitness so that they can grow up to live happy and healthy lives. Our children will have the skills to progress to the next stage of their education and be confident to apply these to a range of sports. They will have developed the personal skills and attitudes to enjoy sport alongside others, demonstrating compassion, responsibility, respect and perseverance.

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